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IMIGRAN - a patient's guide


Imigran is an effective treatment for migraine headaches. This article provides an overview of the product.

DRUG NAME: Sumatriptan succinate

USE: Migraine/ headache relief

This medicine belongs to a group of drugs called serotonin agonists, which is used for the relief of pain associated with migraine and cluster headache.

Migraine is thought to be due to the widening of certain blood vessels in the head, where Imigran works via 5-HT1 receptors which are responsible for making these vessels normal again. This effect usually relieves migraine within 30 minutes in a high proportion of sufferers.


  • Heart disease (family history) or previous heart attack
  • Ergotamine preparations (used for prevention of migraine)
  • Liver and kidney impairment
  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Elderly
  • Smokers
  • Chest pain (angina)
  • History of stroke, epilepsy or brain tumour


Occasional: Pain, tingling, heat or flushing, drowsiness, dizziness, faintness, nausea (vomiting).

Tell your doctor immediately if you feel/have: heaviness/ tightness of chest (wheeze), abnormal heartbeat, a fit/convulsion, or you collapse, develop skin rash, or swollen face/eyelids.


Ergotamine (Cafergot), dihydroergotamine (Dihydergot) and methysergide (Deseril) can cause vasospasm (avoid for 24 hours).

Antidepressants (MAOIs, SSRIs), and lithium have increased risk of toxicity with Imigran.


Follow the instructions carefully on the label of this medicine (do not exceed recommended dose).

This medicine may take from 30 minutes up to 4 hours to work (you may take another tablet only if directed for same attack).

Take Imigran as directed when migraine headache begins WITH A LARGE GLASS OF WATER.

Caution: Driving or operating machinery as this medicine may cause drowsiness.

Do not take any other medicines unless directed by your doctor/ pharmacist.

Contact your doctor or seek urgent medical attention if side effects are severe (wheeze, skin rash, collapse) or ongoing (esp. nausea and faintness).

See also:

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